Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week of Sept. 27

Human Geography
1. Go over vocab. test/writing assignment
2. In your own words identify 5 goals of the AP exam. Share with LP
3. Class discussion of goals.
4. Test review: board game
5. Homework: Study for test.

1. Warm-up: study for exam
2. Take exam
3. Read computer copyright laws handout.
4. Highlight 3 important sentences.
5. Plan for Thurs. & Fri.
6. Homework: finish vocab. words
7. Maps & Globes final vocab. quiz on Monday
8. Review directions for media center work.
9. Computer Research for Sept. 30th-Oct. 1 (Make sure you cite your source):

a. Find the following information for your cultural hearth:
1. coordinates (absolute location)
2. population
3. infant mortality rate
4. life expectancy
5. languages spoken
6. absolute distance from your cultural hearth to your present residence
(Hint: much of this work can be found on Encyclopedia web sites such as Britannia or Encarta.)

b. Relate your hearth to another place. Most of your hearths will have a connection to the US. Find out what that connection entails. If not the US, find another connection between your hearth and another country. The connections can be economic, social, or political. Identify each and state the connection. You can d0 a google search on your hearth and another place.

c. What are your cultural hearth's hazards (chances of hurricanes, mudslides, tsunami, etc.)? Find web sites that address these issues. (Model how to find a legitimate site, e.g.; google scholar; advanced google; dbhs library). Save, copy, and paste URL addresses on word document (must have 3 URLs.) Write a one-sentence summary of each article or map.

d. Give an example of diffusion. e.g. see how AIDS has diffused into your cultural hearth.

e. Locate and print out three different kinds of maps you can find on your cultural hearth. They can be large or small scale. Analyze each map in a paragraph.

9/29/10--Interpreting Maps
1. P. 39 in Rubenstein:
a. In a paragraph compare 1981 to to 1993. 1993 to 2001
b. Referring to the map in the bottom right, which states have the most AIDS cases? the least?
c. Do you see any patterns?
d. In your own words, summarize in terms of relocation versus expansion.

2. p.57
a. What countries have the highest life expectancy?
b. What countries have the lowest?
c. Provide the life expectancy for the following:
South Africa
Saudi Arabia

3. p. 95
a. Which country had the largest amount of immigrants to the US during the 1990s?
How many?
b. Which had the second largest amount? How many?
c. Which Asian country had the highest amount of immigrants to the US in 2001? How many?

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